Approved Doctoral Research Projects for 2023
Approved Engineering Doctoral Projects for 2023
- ED1 – Optimization of Single Element Radio Astronomy Antennas.
- ED2 – Radio Astronomy receiver system with integrated, adaptable RFI mitigation.
- ED3 – A next generation hybrid RFSoc and GPU digital backend.
- ED4 – A broadband X-band radio astronomy receiver.
- ED5 – Single-package receivers for aperture array radio astronomy.
Approved Science Doctoral Projects for 2023
- SDP 1 – Accretion bursts in massive protostellar objects: An investigation using MeerKAT’s MGPS legacy data.
- SDP 2 – Dynamical Detective: Probing the merger state of MERGHERS clusters.
- SDP 3 – Spectral studies of MERGHERS cluster sources.
- SDP 4 – Unveiling the formation of the large scale structure in the nearby Universe. The spectacular case of the Shapley Concentration.
- SDP 5 – Wide-band polarimetric imaging and polarization selfcal with MeerKAT and JVLA.
- SDP 6 – Observations of the Universe first (radio) light with HERA.
- SDP 7 – Predicting the next generation of VLBI discoveries using MeerKAT and the SKA.
- SDP 8 – Processing of galaxies in the Virgo filament
- SPD 9 – Using Observed Atomic Gas in Galaxies as a Test for Cosmological Similations of Galaxy Formation
Last Updated on June 14, 2022
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