Bursaries available with the Centre for Radio Cosmology at the University of the Western Cape 2020

The CRC is offering MSc and PhD Bursaries in Cosmology at UWC

The Centre for Radio Cosmology (CRC) at UWC is internationally recognized for its research on cosmology with MeerKAT, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and other telescopes. CRC staff are closely involved in the South African and international SKA Projects. In 2019 there are 17 PhD/ MSc students and 15 postdoctoral researchers doing research at UWC. See http://astro.uwc.ac.za for further details.

The CRC is offering MSc and PhD bursaries for 2020. Successful applicants will be supervised by Prof Mario Santos, Prof Roy Maartens or Dr Ed Elson, on cutting-edge projects described briefly below. The available topics cover the Key Science goals of the SKA in cosmology and galaxy evolution – which have synergies with the science goals of the major upcoming optical/infrared surveys, such as DESI, Euclid and LSST. Students also have the possibility to be cosupervised by visiting professors, Matt Jarvis (Oxford University), Romeel Davé (University of Edinburgh), Stefano Camera (University of Turin), Phil Bull and Alkistis Pourtsidou (Queen Mary London). Students will also have opportunities to spend time in institutions abroad, in particular the ones mentioned.

Applicants should email a single PDF document containing the following:
• a CV
• transcripts of all university-level results
• a brief statement of research interests, related to the topics below (1 page)
Applicants should also arrange for 2 reference letters to be sent directly to us by referees, with
the same closing date.
Email address: mgrsantos@uwc.ac.za
Deadline: 30 September 2019

Preference will be given to students who fit into the demographic guidelines provided by the
NRF and SARAO (SA Radio Astronomy Observatory).

CRC bursaries are at the same level as bursaries from the SARAO. As guidance, the 2019 levels are:
MSc: 2 years at R134k per year
+ travel grant (up to R28k/year) + equipment grant (up to R26k for 2 years)
PhD: 3 years at R155k per year
+ travel grant (up to R34k/year) + equipment grant (up to R38k for 3 years)

In addition, tuition fees will be fully paid by the CRC.

See the link below for more details!

UWC CRC Bursaries 2020

Last Updated on August 23, 2019

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