Dr Rob Adam delivers update on SKA SA and MeerKAT to Parliament
31 May 2017
Dr Rob Adam, SKA SA Managing Director, delivered an update on the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and MeerKAT projects in Parliament on Wednesday, 31 May 2017 to the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology.
During her budget speech delivered on 16 May 2017, the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, announced that a total of R693 million has been allocated to SKA for the current financial year. “With respect to the SKA, R2 billion will be transferred to the NRF over the MTEF period for the completion of MeerKAT project and for the acquisition of additional land for the SKA project. This financial year R693 million has been allocated for the SKA project,” said Minister Pandor.
Dr Adam shared with the Portfolio Committee that after five years since South Africa won the bid to build the antennas, there has been no cost increases, no specification changes, 36 antennas handed over, 57 pedestals and 46 dish lifts completed.
His overall message was that “MeerKAT is on track, on schedule and within budget.”
Last Updated on June 2, 2017
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