NRF SARAO RFI 001 2019

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  • Create Date April 22, 2021
  • Last Updated April 22, 2021

RFI Tests at Large Anechoic Chambers

BID Reference: NRF SARAO RFI 001 2019

Closing date: 8 November 2019 11:00 am

Bid Invitation

The SARAO RFI team is responsible for the RFI testing of all internal Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) sources on the Karoo site for the current telescopes on sites such as MeerKAT and also for future expansions (so called MK+) and new telescopes such as SKA. Given the number of items and physical size of these items to be tested, RFI test facilities additional to the small inhouse reverb chamber is required and this tender is for the use of a large anechoic and a 2nd reverberation chamber including a test engineer to execute RFI tests for SARAO.


Download was expired on November 8, 2019 01:00 PM
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