NRF/SARAO RFI/24/2022-23
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- File Size 4.62 MB
- File Count 7
- Create Date June 17, 2022
- Last Updated June 17, 2022
Construction and commissioning of a Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Measurement Facility At SKA Klerefontein support base consisting of module building, foundations and screened rooms
BID Number: NRF/SARAO RFI/24/2022-23
Closing date and time: Friday, 15 July 2022 11.00 AM
Note: Submissions received after 11.00AM will be NOT be accepted
Compulsory: Date: Wednesday, 29 June 2022
Time: 10.00AM
Venue: Karoo Support Base, Klerefontein Farm, Carnarvon
GPS Coordinates: 30 58' 26.03"S 21 59' 37.88"E
Bid Submission: Electronic submissions must be sent to
Electronic submissions must be sent to
Bids must be submitted in two separate electronic folders, one with the compliance and technical response, and the second with the financial response.
Folders must be titled with the bidder’s company name and folder title. Attachments are limited to 25 MB per email.
Bidders may use WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive or similar file sharing applications to submit their bid submissions.
The SARAO RFI team is responsible for the testing of all internal Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) sources on the Karoo site for the current telescopes on site, such as MeerKAT and also for future expansions (so called MK+), and new telescopes such as the SKA (Square Kilometre Array). Given the number of items, physical size of the items and the increase in site equipment that needs qualification testing or re-testing, RFI test facilities additional to the small inhouse reverb chamber currently used by SARAO, is required.
This tender is for the Construction of an RFI Measurement Facility, with a reverberation chamber to be located at the SKA Klerefontein Support Base in the Karoo, Northern Cape.
The Measurement facility will be housed in a modular building until the SKA Engineering Operations Centre (EoC) is constructed and it will then be moved to the EoC.
The major part of the work for this contract is the supply and construction of a screened RFI chamber and as such the contractor supplying this will be the main contractor. The supply of a commercial off the shelf modular building, the foundations for the building and the electrical connections to the available power at the site can be subcontracted.
This main contract includes the supply, installation, qualification and commissioning of the RFI test facility, but excludes the supply of RFI test equipment (to be supplied by SARAO) that will be used when operating the chamber.