NRF/SARAO SMRK/16/2022-23

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  • Create Date June 17, 2022
  • Last Updated July 19, 2022

Maintenance of Receivers and Receiver Support Equipment for the Operation of the Meerkat Instrument for a period of three years

BID Number: NRF/SARAO SMRK/16/2022-23

Closing date and time: Friday, 12 August 2022, 11.00 AM
Note: Submissions received after 11.00AM will be NOT be accepted

Compulsory / Non-compulsory Briefing Session: A compulsory briefing session will be held as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, 28 June 2022
    Time: 10.00AM
    Venue: Karoo Support Base, Klerefontein Farm, Carnarvon, 8925
    GPS Coordinates: 30 58' 26.03"S 21 59' 37.88"E

Bid Submission: Electronic submissions must be sent to
Bids must be submitted in two separate electronic folders, one with the compliance and technical response, and the second with the financial response.

Folders must be titled with the bidder’s company name and folder title. Attachments are limited to 25 MB per email.

Bidders may use WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive or similar file sharing applications to submit their bid submissions.

The MeerKAT instrument was built with 64 separate elements consisting of 128 cryogenically cooled receivers (one L and one U-band receiver per system) with the corresponding helium and vacuum support equipment. The system was further expanded by adding a further 64 S-band receivers bringing the total active receiver systems to 192 units with a further 15 units as spares or under repair.

Notice of Extension of Bid Closure Date.pdf
Notice of Extension of Bid Closure Date.pdf
Bid Document.pdf
Bid Document.pdf
Bid Advert.pdf
Bid Advert.pdf

Download was expired on August 12, 2022 01:00 PM
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