The original computer control system of the Hartebeesthoek 26-metre telescope ran on HP1000 minicomputers. These were replaced over 2000 – 2003 by a New Control Computer System (NCCS) based on networked PC’s using the Linux operating system – the flavour used here is Debian.
The NCCS software is based on the object oriented device control software TACO developed and maintained by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. We wish to thank the ESRF for the use of their device server technology and control software.
- Jonathan Quick – project manager, digital interfacing, system software, STEER telescope control, continuum software, observing scheduler, input file parser
- Mike Gaylard – spectrometer software, documentation, input and output file definition
- Beate Woermann – input file parser
- Sarah Buchner – pulsar timer software, output files
- Keith Jones – digital electronics
The following people provide valuable input as consultants :
- Andy Gotz – system software (ESRF, France)
- Justin Jonas – hardware and software specialist (Rhodes University)
Observing status with the NCCS is:
- VLBI is operational, using the Mark V disk-based recorder.
- Pulsar timing is operational, using the old single channel pulsar timer. New pulsar timers are in development.
- Spectroscopy is operational using the Australian multi-beam correlator. It receives both left- and right-circularly polarized signals.
- Continuum radiometry is operational. Radiometers are configured to provide total-power radiometry, noise-adding gain-stabilised radiometry, or Dicke-switched radiometry (with the dual-beam receivers at 6cm and 3.5cm), in both left- and right-circular polarization (LCP and RCP).