Fundamentals of Radio Interferometry

Fundamentals of Radio Interferometry is an online course intended for astronomy graduate students and advanced undergraduates with backgrounds in astronomy, applied sciences, or engineering.

The focus of the course is the introduction of the astronomical and technological principles essential to radio astronomy. As such the course structure follows and compliments the Fundamentals of Radio Interferometry, NASSP Masters course.

The course lessons are presented as YouTube videos.

Lesson specific supplementary materials are also provided. These include slides, presentations and/or practical code from the NASSP Fundamentals of Radio Interferometry course.

The per lesson supplementary material can be accessed by selecting the Materials tab next to the Lesson tab.

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  1. An ipython notebook-based book on the Fundamentals of Radio Interferometry available on GitHub. (Click here to view)
  2. Video recordings of lectures from previous years can be viewed through Rhodes University's Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technologies website. (Click here to view)
  3. Alternatively, view the videos directly on the NASSP Interferometry YouTube channel. (Click here to view)
  4. Additional information can be found through the Essential Radio Astronomy course presented by NRAO.(Click here to view)