Timing Model Physics

This lecture, by Federico Abbate, describes the physics that can be derived from the pulsar timing model. It describes the birth of neutron stars, our current knowledge of the internal structure of neutron stars and how we use glitches and mass measurements to constrain it. The lecture thereafter focuses on how to measure masses in binary systems using the Keplerian and the main post-Keplerian parameters accessible through pulsar timing. The lecture ends by describing the most precise tests of General Relativity, using pulsar timing, in the strong field regime.

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The data and exercises for all workshop lectures can be downloaded (and extracted) to the shared directory in your virtual machine as described here.

Within the downloaded
/home/pulsar/SHARE/exercises/lec7_pulsar_timing directory you will find the relevant data and scripts to complete the exercise for this lecture. In this exercise students will measure Shapiro delay using tempo2 and create mass-mass and mass-inclination diagrams using the supplied notebook mass-mass_mass-inclination_plots.ipynb.

Follow along with the instructions provided in the lecture for guidance on how to conduct the exercise. A summary of the exercise instructions can also be found in summary_of_exercise.txt