Watch: Bursts from Space MeerKAT Citizen Science Online Training



This SARAO/MeerKAT/Oxford citizen science project is a collaboration between science and interested members of the public. Through this collaboration, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) will help make important scientific discoveries. Want to work with real MeerKAT data and contribute to research? Click on the link below and get started. This citizen science project is open to everyone around the world.

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Citizen Science Training Presentation

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To learn more about the “Bursts from Space” project and possibly join:

1. Visit the Zooniverse website at…/bursts-from-space-meerkat

2. Create a free account or log in if you already have one.

3. Navigate to the “Bursts from Space – MeerKAT” project page.

4. Read the introductory material and guidelines provided to familiarise yourself with the project’s objectives.

5. Begin the interactive tutorial to learn how to identify and classify radio bursts.

6. Once comfortable, start analysing real data and contributing to the project’s research efforts.

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