Carnarvon High School Pupils from Karoo, Northern Cape, Head to Odense, Denmark, for the World Robot Olympiad Friendship Invitational Tournament


Two teams from Carnarvon High School in the Karoo, Northern Cape, have been selected to participate in the World Robot Olympiad Friendship Invitational tournament which will take place from 21 – 24 September in Odense, Denmark.

City Mechanics Team Members: Cadi Jann, Peter Gous, Revan De Wee

Galaxy Guardians Team Members: Roswell Pipes, Jayden Saaiman

World Robot Olympiad is a global robotics competition dedicated to science, technology and education. Its mission is to help young people develop their creativity and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way.

 SARAO has been running the Robotics Schools Program in the Karoo since 2016. The aim is to develop and inspire an interest in STEM skills in the schools around the development of the MeerKAT radio telescope, a precursor to the Square Kilometre Array.

 In May this year Carnarvon High School represented South Africa in the FIRST Lego League in Morocco.

Mr Odwa Magabuko Robotics Schools Program coordinator

Adding a further to the cap of the Robotics Schools Program is that the programmes’ coordinator, Mr Odwa Magabuko, has been selected as judge at the World Robot Olympiad Friendship Invitational tournament in the Robo Mission category.

Congratulations and all the best to the pupils in representing South Africa in the tournament.

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