Bursts from Space: Citizen Science Project

Bursts from Space: Citizen Science Project

Looking at the sky with radio telescopes provides a unique insight into a range of exciting and exotic phenomena. From...
The South African National Ventilator Project (NVP)

The South African National Ventilator Project (NVP)

The South African National Ventilator Project (NVP) is a co-ordinated national effort in response to the Covid-19 pandemic involving the...
Geodesy Programme

Geodesy Programme

Geodesy, also called geodetics, a branch of earth sciences, is the scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation...

Passive Radar System

The Passive Radar System has been designed and built in collaboration with Peralex, a South African company specialising in the...

Square Kilometre Array

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA project) is an international effort to build the world’s largest radio telescope, with a square...

The South African National Ventilator Project (NVP)

The NVP is an example of our nation’s ability to innovate and collaborate, deploying a wide range of expertise and...

Last Updated on June 12, 2023

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