World Robotics Olympiad launched in Northern Cape – educators trained for 2023 competition
The SARAO Human Capital Development department launched the World Robotics Olympiad in the Northern Cape last month at Carnarvon High School. At the launch training was provided to educators where they were taken through the basic guidelines of robotics with regards to programming of technology, and knowledge, skills and values were shared with them.
The aim of the launch was to introduce the World Robotics Olympiad to the 2023 teams. At the launch of the 2023 Northern Cape programme important information was shared about the upcoming competition, and the preparation that is needed to get the schools teams competition-ready. The schools and institutions that took part, is Sol Plaatje University from Kimberley; Brandvlei High and Primary School; Malherbe Human Intermediary School in Fraserburg; Nico Bekker Primary School and Williston High School in Williston; Van Wyksvlei Intermediary School in Van Wyksvlei; JJ Booysen Primary School in Loxton; Carnarvon High and Primary School; and Osizweni Sasol from Secunda.
The start of the 2023 programme follows on from a very successful 2022 FIRST LEGO League Northern Cape regional competition where a team consisting of only girls, was victorious and won an award for their Robot Game.
“It was the first time that we have seen so many girls participating in the competition – the Tesla Minions. I think we have made really good progress to break down the stigma that robotics is only for boys. I am looking forward to heading in a new direction where we get more girls involved in activities about science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” says Chantel Mabaleng, Professional Officer for the SARAO Schools Programme.
These successful teams will be participating in the FIRST LEGO league International Open Competition in Marrakech, Morocco from 18 to 21 May 2023. The team from Carnarvon will be one of 48 FIRST LEGO League teams from 42 countries.