MeerKAT Student Community

Given the large MeerKAT community with students of all levels and interests, the MeerKAT student community presents a collection of lectures and training videos addressing all aspects of radio astronomy and the MeerKAT telescope.

13 videos found
MeerKAT Observation Planning Tool
This is a tutorial guide on how to use the MeerKAT Observation Planning Tool (OPT) when planning for or submitting your MeerKAT observation. 
Interferometric Imaging I, II and III
In this presentation we formalise the relationship between the visibility space of the interferometer and the sky brightness distribution.
Pulsar astronomy and data analysis using MeerKAT
In this talk you will learn about fast spinning neutron stars, called pulsars, that emit beamed radio emission like clockwork.
Interferometric calibration
In this presentation the transfer calibration process discussed in antenna based calibration is expanded. The strategy models and removes the various systematic problems which influence the propagation of the signal.
Antenna based calibration
Calibration of recorded telescope data to obtain its true science representation starts by identifying and removing instrumental effects from your data.
Introduction to flagging
Removing unwanted data from your observations before science processing is one of the most important steps in radio astronomy data analysis.
Radio astronomy and the Fourier transform
The Fourier transform plays a fundamental role in all aspects of radio astronomy.
Introduction to radio telescopes
The radio band is too wide to be covered effectively by a single telescope design, so a combination of single telescopes and aperture-synthesis interferometers are needed to detect and image radio astronomy sources.
A quick introduction to radio astronomy
Radio Astronomy has revealed a “parallel universe” of unexpected sources not previously seen.
Basics for writing and submitting a scientific paper
This presentation hopes to assist students and newcomers with the process of writing their first scientific paper.
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Last Updated on February 21, 2024

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