African Radio Interferometry Winter School
Course Description
This course forms part of the SARAO African Radio Interferometry Winter School (click here to view workshop webpage). The aim of the workshop is to introduce radio astronomy in general, as well as radio astronomy with the MeerKAT telescope in particular, to students and young professionals.
All theoretical presentations and online tutorials presented at the workshop are listed in this course page, while introductory and general science presentations can be found on the MeerKAT Student Community and e-Seminar pages on the SARAO E-learning portal. Click on the Materials Tab next to the Course Tab for links to the portal, workshop cookbook and more.
Some workshop presentations are available as YouTube videos, while links to the presentation slides will also be made available for each lesson. Lesson specific supplementary material can be accessed by selecting the Materials Tab next to the Lesson Tab as you progress through the course.
Share thisData used for tutorials are MeerKAT public data which can be retrieved from the SARAO archive (Click here to access). If you are unfamiliar with using the SARAO archive, first view the Introduction to the SARAO archive interface video from the MeerKAT Student Community page on the SARAO E-learning portal.
Some tutorials consist of interactive Python notebooks, which can be opened directly using the Google Colab cloud platform. Most tutorials can be accessed from the ARIWS-cookbook repository on GitHub.
If uncertain, view the Introduction to COLAB for MeerKAT tutorials video on the MeerKAT Student Community page.
General science topics presented at the workshop are available as e-Seminar videos.
Links to the ARIWS resources:
- Folder containing ARIWS presentation slides (Click here to access)
- SARAO E-learning portal (Click here to access)
- MeerKAT Student Community page (Click here to view)
- e-Seminars (Click here to view)
- ARIWS-cookbook repository on GitHub (Click here to view)
For an introduction to CASA view the RARG video: (Click here to view)
Videos of all lectures can be found on the ARIWS YouTube playlist:
All SARAO videos can be viewed on the SARAO Web YouTube channel: (Click here to view)
Detailed discussion and explanation of topics can be found in any of the listed references.
Fundamental References:
- Fundamentals of Radio Interferometry (Click here to view)
- Essential Radio Astronomy (Click here to view)